Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Only Their Holes Taste The Same"

Today in class we were talking about creativity, and how it is such a powerful tool in today's business world. Our teacher showed us a video from the Behance Conference, where Ji Lee, the Creative Director of Google's Creative lab, talked about his creative project the single handedly propelled him into the position he is today. In the video Ji Lee talks about how he had all this creativity but could not be inspired to produce it, in today's corporate america. He mentioned how all of the ads, did the same thing, and came up with the same old tag lines and slogans, and how it is so hard to get creativity out in today's world. 
He then goes on to talk about his creative project, the bubble project, in which he simply placed plain, blank, white speech bubbles onto ads around New York City and let people's creativity flow. The feedback he found was remarkable.
It is amazing the power that you can acquire simply by giving people a creative platform on which to perform. Everyday people think of creative ideas, and witty things to say, yet theses everyday people don't have an outlet to put their creativity to use for the greater good of a company, or society. If more people like Ji Lee where given an outlet for their creativity who knows what great stuff could come out of it. 
I guess the point is, if you are creative, find an outlet for that, even if it turns out that you have to create that outlet for yourself. Or a word to the wise in terms of business, give more people and creative platform of which you can reap the benefits.

Here is the video:


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