Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Friends are people who know you, but love you anyways"

"Friends are people who know you, but love you anyways"

I love this quote for so many reasons, but just recently I really started to really understand its meaning. As we get older, we lose friends and we gain friends, and you start to realize the people in your life that are going be there forever, and the ones that aren't. To truly know someones flaws, to know them in and out, I think is one of the most incredible things, and to still know all that makes them bad, and all the makes them good and still love them is fascinating. It all comes down to knowing someones heart, knowing when they mean well, and when they don't, knowing what drives them to do the things they do. I have friends that are late, disorganized, sometimes selfish, maybe a little bratty at times, and sometimes just downright mean, but at the end of the day I love them for who they are, flaws and all, because those same people are kind hearted, intelligent, caring, and a ton of fun to be around.
In life nothing is perfect, and always you have to take the good with the bad. And when making friends who truly knows the logic that makes one friend a friend for life and another just a fleeting memory. You can hate one person for being bratty, but then love another for that same reason. Lots of times my friends will catch me saying yeah well I don't like them, they are selfish, to which they reply don't you always say so and so is selfish yet you love them, to which I reply, well yeah but that's different. But why? Why are bad traits different depending on who has them?
I guess it all comes back to what I said about knowing someones heart, knowing someone in and out. Rarely when you take the time to get to know someone in and out, do you totally despise that person, unless of course they do something horrid to you, in which case it is not necessarily who they are that you hate, but what they did.
So it  is something to be valued to not only get the opportunity to know someone in and out, but to let that person know you. So, I guess the point is to value the people that you call friends, that love you regardless of your hair mole, over-emotional antics, and sometimes flare for the dramatic, and maybe take a little more time getting to know other people, that maybe one day you will be able to call friends.


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